Every Day…Every James Counts

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives

Kinda like this quote from a TV show that used to air here, and it does have a point. Every year, I turn a year older, seemingly wiser and more mature yet still oblivious and naive.

There’s so much in life that we have to learn as wisdom is gained if one lives a life lived in full.

In every step of my way, I encounter bumps and potholes. Somehow, I manage to get up and go on. I may have gotten scabs down the road but they heal fast. I took a little pit stops to look back and relax but still looking forward to the future the belies before me.

I’m not perfect and I don’t expect to be one. I may not be the happiest person but I long search for the happiness that I deserve.

In every good trait, there is a flaw. In every joy, there is sorrow. I possess good as well as bad and sometimes I get to be a little weird sometimes. I try to please and yet it seems that I can’t. Somehow, I try to win them over.

I know I have my misgivings, and I openly admit that. If only I could speak the way that I should speak. I stutter when I speak, there’s nothing more for it to fix it. Yet I try my hardest to say what I’m feeling.

Every one of us have a short life, each and every one of us has a choice to make. In every decision and in every year that seems to pass on me fast, I know that eventually I will take the road set-up by God.

Because every day counts

END (One day and 15 minutes)

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