The Pursuit: Looking Back as I Look Forward Fitter

536402_to_gymA little over two year ago, I started a series of blog entries I called “The Pursuit“. It’s a little something of an attempt to share with you stories of my ongoing quest of pursuing a healthy and active lifestyle.

It started when I took a liking in joining cause-oriented fun runs exactly a year ago. And considering that I started working the following month, I thought it’d be nice to really start off the year 2012 to truly guide myself in achieving an active lifestyle by going to the gym, cleaning up my eating habits and regularly training for running events.

Unfortunately, things took a turn when I placed running on the backseat as I was transitioning between jobs and eventually benching it for almost half a year. My vow of consistently going to gym have also been plagued by the onslaught of unseasonably fatal monsoon rains which put a damper in those efforts.

As for my eating habits, I couldn’t bring myself to control my cravings. I think I got myself confused on what to do as far as eating is concerned. Of course, I don’t want to starve nor do I want to overeat. I don’t exactly have control on what I eat 100% of the time so all I could do was to really exert in at least trying to balance everything.

I don’t exactly have a diet program to begin with as I always believe it could prevent me from truly enjoying food. People have told me that I should also count the calories from the food I consume but I don’t think counting calories would help if it would only lead me to restrict myself from, again, enjoying what I eat. At the end of the day, moderation has always been the best thing out there. I just can’t seem to get it right.

The only thing that I was successful in achieving this year was totally getting myself free from my life-long love for sodas. I haven’t drank a single bottle nor can of Coca Cola, Pepsi, et al for 10 months and still counting. I’ve managed to survive going to parties, get-togethers without a sip or lick from them. It’s a vice that I continue to win over every single day.

All in all, I wasn’t able to meet all of my fitness goals for 2012. I just hope that I truly push myself in realizing that I can still make a change for 2013. I manage to make one step forward by getting myself kicked out from the habit of drinking cans of empty calories, for sure I could manage to bring myself back in shape.

So for my New Year’s Fitness Lifestyle Resolutions:

  1. I will continue to devoid myself from drinking sodas.
  2. I will push myself to my limits working out inside the gym.
  3. I will keep myself active all year.
  4. I will push myself in pursuing running as a sport.
  5. I will do cardio on a daily basis.
  6. I will not make excuses.
  7. I will write/type down my progress for tracking purposes.
  8. I will control my cravings for food and go for healthier alternatives.
  9. I will not let my job get in the way of pursuing my fitness goals.
  10. I will not stop until I finish what I’ve started.

Hopefully, just hopefully, I could finally make a difference this year.

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